Vintage Camera Auction specializes in cameras and camera-related items. It is a real auction marketplace devoted to the highest quality cameras in Japan. It is a newly established, open auction. Here you'll find many rare seconhand cameras and many items that have not yet appeared in secondhand markets. You may participate in a presale exhibition prior to becoming a VCA auction member; please feel free to inquire for more information.
This auction is an auction market specializing in cameras that are rare in secondhand markets. For this reason, domestic and international buyers attend. In recent years, the demand for Japanese-manufactured secondhand cameras has increased in many Asian countries (beginning in China). We do not focus solely on existing distribution channels, but aim to adopt a more broad, international view, opening a new sales channel for individuals who would like to sell.
To allow beginners the opportunity to participate in the auction and to enjoy buying and selling, use of jargon or other secret language is prohibited at this auction. If any unfamiliar words are used, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a staff member. Your concerns will be addressed. In many auctions, participants from the same company work together to create advantageous situations, thereby preventing other participants from winning bids. Our promise is to provide an open auction where everyone who attends can participate equally.
When applying to exhibit an item, if you provide us with product information about the item prior to the auction, we'll take care of the tasks of creating product lists and attaching tags. We'll carefully unpack your item and perform a condition check before assigning a product number. In the period leading up to the auction, your item will be kept under tight security. During presale exhibitions, buyers can touch products with their hands, but must obey directions from staff when doing so. Feel totally at ease, even when completing the sale.