Prior to the auction, items for auction will be available at a presale exhibition held twice every month. Items will be exhibited as they are being arranged. While transactions are possible for individuals who choose to attend only on auction days, inspecting items by hand prior to the auction can greatly aid the decision-making process. Auction participants can narrow down the items in accordance with interested and budget. We strongly recommend participation.
Presale Exhibition and Overview
(10 AM-8 PM on the two days prior to each auction)
■Presale Exhibition 10 AM - 8 PM
2 people per company may participate. Even if participating in only the presale exhibition, you must become a member. To apply, you must have a secondhand dealer permit. There is an entry screening, so please allow adequate time for your application to be processed.
Even if participating in only the presale exhibition, you must become a member of the auction. Individuals who are currently under review for entry are the only people who can participate in the presale exhibition as observers. Please note that even if participating as an observer, you must have a secondhand dealer permit with "vending" indicated.
The items for auction can be inspected by hand, but please follow staff instructions regarding treatment of the items. The presale exhibition takes place in a limited number of hours, during which items will be exhibited as they are being arranged. Please note that customers cannot request items be provided for inspection for as long as desired. We appreciate your understanding.
We have the privilege of offering the service of a presale exhibition where customers can inspect items by hand, a process essential to ascertaining the condition of an item. Extremely rare and expensive items are also on offer, so to protect the value of these items, we greatly appreciate your cooperation. Additionally, prohibited behaviors include: moving items, swapping in new items, and removing tags. If any participants are determined to be in violation of these rules, they may be asked to leave the presale exhibition.
Rearranging the order of items
Swapping in new items
Concealment of items
Switching tags or other item information
Removing tags or other item information
Excessive condition checking
Criminal behavior
Opening unopened items
Moving while holding an item
Taking an item away without notifying management
Buying and selling items without using management as an intermediary
All photography and photography-related behavior
Participating with a false ID
Able to check all cameras prior to auction
Thorough consideration. Ease in planning
Able to determine market price.
Presale exhibitions are held over the two days prior to the auction. This provides time for consideration, allows participants to investigate market prices, and prepare contracts for buying/selling. We highly recommend participation, as it can ensure buyers do not experience regret following a purchase.
Entry Presale Exhibition